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Firearm Accessories

Posted by Larry Poli
Jun 24, 2020
Firearm Accessories

Ruger EC9 ammo

Just purchased a Ruger EC9. WhT is. Good 

9mm ammo for this weapon???


Larry Poli
Bryan Lynch Bryan Lynch Jul 01, 2020
As Matt L asked below, I'm guessing from the size of this pistol that it will be used for concealed carry or defense purposes? If that is the case I would suggest JHP. If you are simply looking to have fun and target shoot than ball ammunition is cheap. B
Larry Poli
Matthew Longley Matthew Longley Jun 24, 2020
Hi Larry, are you looking for defense ammo for home/concealed carry or are you looking for target ammo?
Larry Poli

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Created Jun 5, 2020
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