
Caesar Guerini SUMMIT TRAP Combo

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Summit Trap Combo comes with extra set of interchangable over&under barrels in 12 gauge. The Summit is our no compromise competition model. It is designed for the shooter who puts a premium on performance. The extensive list of features all work together in unison, reflecting our goal of making you the best shooter you can possibly be. The DTS (Dynamic Tuning System) allows any shooter to tailor the gun to their individual style. The rib adjusts the point of impact from 60/40% to over 100% while the DTS comb system moves four ways; comb height, drop, offset, and cast. The trigger is the heart of a trap gun. We have designed the Summit trigger system to meet the most demanding expectations with adjustable take-up, over-travel, and reach. Another key issue for the serious trap shooter is durability. The Summit is designed to meet the high volume demands of thousands of rounds a year. Oversized locking lug, rock solid ejectors, combined with modular wear points allow the Summit to be a durable and reliable shooting tool. DTS (Dynamic Tuning System) enables the gun to adapt to each shooter’s individual style and needs -- not the opposite.Many other guns require shooters to compromise their natural shooting style, often with a resulting negative impact on scores. The DTS rib allows the point-of-impact to be adjusted to an industry leading 60/40 to 120% to precisely fit your shooting style. Adjustment is accomplished by simply turning an elevation wheel with positive detents and clear incremental markings. Once the proper rib height and angle is obtained you can choose to lock it into place with a locking screw. The mid-section of the rib also utilizes a dampening bushing to eliminate distracting vibration and noise. Working in concert with the rib to ensure maximum adjustability is our versatile DTS comb. The multi-axis DTS comb allows for the adjustment of: offset, cast, comb height, and comb drop. But, adjustability is not helpful unless the system is rugged. The DTS comb hardware is light but extremely simple and strong; designed to stay exactly were you set it. It even incorporates an index system that allows you to return it to a preset position. Our MAXIS barrels contain numerous performance features similar to those found only from after market custom performance shotgun shops. Over-bored, five inch forcing cones, chrome lined chambers and bores, screw in chokes, and antiglare satin finish are among the performance features incorporated into every Caesar Guerini trap gun. Each barrel contour is carefully engineered to provide perfect balance and handling characteristics. To complement our performance barrels we designed the MAXIS choke system. The system incorporates an extra long choke, extending into the barrel to enhance patterning and ballistic performance in the tightest constrictions such as light full, full, and extra full, a very desirable quality when shooting in competition from the 27 yard line. The MAXIS chokes also feature a conical-parallel contour, crowned muzzle end, clear markings, and extremely tight tolerances for constriction and concentricity.Responding to requests from many competitive shooters Caesar Guerini offers factory installed release triggers as an option. As the manufacturer we have the ability to carefully engineer the release trigger system to work in harmony with our standard trigger and firing systems. We can also control metallurgy, utilize CNC machining systems, and multi level quality control checks to assure a consistent, dependable, and safe release trigger system that shooters can rely on even after thousands and thousands of rounds. The stock incorporates an optional weight/recoil system that allows shooters to balance the gun to their individually unique shooting styles. The trigger is a simple non-selective system with adjustments for length-of-pull, take-up, and over travel.

Caesar Guerini SUMMIT TRAP Combo Specs

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How much is a Caesar Guerini SUMMIT TRAP Combo worth?

In 2025 a new or used Caesar Guerini SUMMIT TRAP Combo value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a Caesar Guerini SUMMIT TRAP Combo and most shotguns. The Price for a Caesar Guerini SUMMIT TRAP Combo has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2025 compared to 2024.

Estimated New and Used Values for a Caesar Guerini SUMMIT TRAP Combo Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors.

Condition Trade-In Private Party Dealer
New In box $5,341.05 $6,984.45 $8,217.00
Excellent $4,930.20 $6,573.60 $7,395.30
Very Good $4,519.35 $6,573.60 $7,395.30
Good $4,108.50 $6,162.75 $6,984.45
Fair $2,875.95 $5,341.05 $6,573.60
Poor $2,054.25 $4,108.50 N/A

Gun Value Conditions explained:

New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box.

Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Fair - 30% - 80% condition, parts, and finish may or may not be original. Must function properly and shoot.

Poor - under 30% condition. Firearm has severe wear and tear, does not function, or is damaged.

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