
Springfield M14

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This page is dedicated to the select-fire US Rifle, 7.62 Caliber, M14.  For semi-automatic M1A models, scroll down to "related products".

Springfield M14 For Sale

Springfield M14 Specs

2 Category

Technical Data


.308 Winchester (7.62mm NATO)





Rear Sight




Gun Type


Barrel Length







147.2 oz

Springfield M14 Features

The M14 was the brainchild of Col. Rene Studler who was tasked with designing a rifle that could replace the M1 rifle, M1 Carbine, Thompson sub-machine gun, M3 Grease Gun and Browning BAR and he ended up with a rifle that didn’t do a good job at replacing any of them.  The M14 uses an M1 Garand style action with an M1 carbine gas-tappet operating system.  These rifles were designed to fire both in semi-automatic and full-auto.

Springfield M14 Ballistics

.308 Winchester (7.62mm NATO) Ballistic Data
Range (Yards) Drop (inches) Velocity Energy Wind drift (inches) Time (milliseconds)
0 0 0 0 0 0
50 0 0 0 0 0
100 0 0 0 0 0
150 0 0 0 0 0
200 0 0 0 0 0
250 0 0 0 0 0
300 0 0 0 0 0
350 0 0 0 0 0
400 0 0 0 0 0
450 0 0 0 0 0
500 0 0 0 0 0

Springfield M14 Capacity

The M14 is chambered in 7.62x51mmNATO (.308 Winchester) and feeds from detachable box magazines.  The standard magazine size is 20 rounds, however 10-round magazines were made for the M21 rifle and 5 round magazines were made for hunting purposes with the M1A rifle.  All magazines are interchangeable.

The M14 measures 44.3 inches and has an unloaded weight of 9.2 pounds, so Col. Studler’s claims to calling it a “light rifle” are essentially bunk.  The M14 is the longest standard infantry rifle the United States has ever issued and this length led to many struggles to carry the rifle through the dense Vietnam jungles.

Springfield M14 Mobility


Springfield M14 Ergonomics

The M14 has a traditional stock while the rest of the rifle exhibits more modern design.  The safety is located along the front of the trigger guard and sits inside the guard when the rifle is set to “safe”.  The magazine release sits in front of the safety and behind the magazine and the reciprocating charging handle is located along the right side of the receiver.  The drop in the stock was chosen to reduce felt recoil, however the drop also made the rifle very uncontrollable in full-auto fire.

Springfield M14 Fit & Finish

The M14 is made with a parkerized receiver made of 8620 steel and an American Walnut stock.  The M14’s design makes it very difficult to accurize with most rifles suffering 8-MOA accuracy requiring specialized tooling and accurizing processes to be done to make the rifle shoot 2-MOA groups, often requiring pounds of fiberglass resin to be soaked into the stock.  The M14 has evolved over the years to fit different roles in the US military including a shorter-barreled SOCOM M14 and a modernized M14-EBR upgrade kit.

Fit and Finish

How much is a Springfield M14 worth?

In 2025 a new or used Springfield M14 value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a Springfield M14 and most rifles. The Price for a Springfield M14 has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2025 compared to 2024.

Estimated New and Used Values for a Springfield M14 Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors.

Condition Trade-In Private Party Dealer
New In box $10,920.00 $14,280.00 $16,800.00
Excellent $10,080.00 $13,440.00 $15,120.00
Very Good $9,240.00 $13,440.00 $15,120.00
Good $8,400.00 $12,600.00 $14,280.00
Fair $5,880.00 $10,920.00 $13,440.00
Poor $4,200.00 $8,400.00 N/A

Gun Value Conditions explained:

New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box.

Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Fair - 30% - 80% condition, parts, and finish may or may not be original. Must function properly and shoot.

Poor - under 30% condition. Firearm has severe wear and tear, does not function, or is damaged.

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