
Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy

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The Prodigy™ from Springfield Armory takes the proven 1911 platform and enhances it with double-stack capacity and a performance-driven feature set. Reconfigured around a double-stack magazine, the Prodigy’s polymer grip module mounts to its forged steel frame offering capacities of 17+1 and 20+1. Optics ready with an ambidextrous safety and picatinny rail, the Prodigy combines the most beloved characteristics of the 1911 with modern capacity for unrivaled performance.

Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy For Sale

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Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy Specs

2 Category

Technical Data


9mm Luger (9mm Parabellum) (9x19mm)

Barrel Length

4.25 Inches


17 + 1


32.5 oz




5.5 Inches


1.3 Inches

Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy Features

The Springfield Prodigy is a 1911 pattern pistol that operates on John Browning’s short-recoil and tilting barrel action.  It is built with a 4.25 inch bull barrel with an 11 degree crown for maximum accuracy and also has an adjustable single-action trigger that prevents over-travel.  Its steel slide has a removable optics plate for mounting red dot sights in case paired with square-notch rear sight and fiber-optic front sight.

Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy Ballistics

9mm Luger (9mm Parabellum) (9x19mm) Ballistic Data
Range (Yards) Drop (inches) Velocity Energy Wind drift (inches) Time (milliseconds)
0 0 0 0 0 0
50 0 0 0 0 0
100 0 0 0 0 0
150 0 0 0 0 0
200 0 0 0 0 0
250 0 0 0 0 0
300 0 0 0 0 0
350 0 0 0 0 0
400 0 0 0 0 0
450 0 0 0 0 0
500 0 0 0 0 0

Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy Capacity

The Springfield Prodigy is chambered in 9x19mm Luger and feeds from steel double-stack, single-feed magazines giving it superior ammo capacity over the standard 1911.  Flush-fit magazines offer a capacity of 17 rounds while extended magazines offer a 20 round capacity.

Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy Ergonomics

The Prodigy is built with an ambidextrous thumb safety and a grip safety which is commonly found on 1911 pattern guns, though the stipled grip and trigger guard are vast improvements that are beloved by competitive shooters.  The slide is machined with deep, wide serrations to ensure a positive grip when manually cycling the action, even with wet hands.

Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy Fit & Finish

While the initial production run of the Prodigy showed some minor growing pains, current production examples provide some of Springfield’s best performance the company has to offer.  These are 100% made in America unlike the imported XD series, and that American quality can be seen on every smooth surface and felt in every crisp trigger pull.

Fit and Finish

Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy Concealability

Measuring 7.8 inches long, 5.5 inches tall and 1.3 inches wide, the Prodigy can be concealed with the right attire, though the height can cause the butt of the grip to protrude through clothing, thus necessitating extra care in choosing a carry holster.  The stipling on the grip can cause abrasions to the sensitive skin around your lower torso, so wearing an under-shirt may be beneficial.

How much is a Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy worth?

In 2025 a new or used Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy and most handguns. The Price for a Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2025 compared to 2024.

Estimated New and Used Values for a Springfield Armory 1911 DS Prodigy Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors.

Condition Trade-In Private Party Dealer
New In box $974.35 $1,274.15 $1,499.00
Excellent $899.40 $1,199.20 $1,349.10
Very Good $824.45 $1,199.20 $1,349.10
Good $749.50 $1,124.25 $1,274.15
Fair $524.65 $974.35 $1,199.20
Poor $374.75 $749.50 N/A

Gun Value Conditions explained:

New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box.

Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Fair - 30% - 80% condition, parts, and finish may or may not be original. Must function properly and shoot.

Poor - under 30% condition. Firearm has severe wear and tear, does not function, or is damaged.

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