
Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7

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The Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 brings the 5.7x28mm cartridge to the ever-growing line of M&P firearms offered by one of America's biggest gun makers.

Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 Specs

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Technical Data


22 + 1


26.7 oz







Barrel Length


Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 Features

The M&P 5.7 is a polymer-framed, semi-automatic pistol that operates on a short-recoil operated action that employs a rotating 5 inch barrel that sports a threaded muzzle.  Because the barrel doesn’t tilt as seen on Browning-style actions, suppressors can be direct-threaded to the barrel.  The slide features windage-adjustable iron sights compatible with other M&P sights and it is also cut to accept optics.

Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 Capacity

The M&P 5.7 is chambered in a caliber that is quickly growing in popularity, the 5.7x28mm cartridge.  Due to the small diameter of the 5.7’s case at .311 inches, more rounds can be loaded into a magazine than an equally-tall 9mm mag.  This allows the M&P 5.7 to have a capacity of 22 rounds feeding from a double-stack, double-feed magazine.

Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 Ergonomics

The M&P 5.7 is built with fully-ambidextrous controls including an optional thumb safety, all aside from the magazine release which is easily reversible from the left to the right sides.  The full-size grip is textured on all four sides with a very aggressive sandpaper-esque pattern that provides excellent control when firing, and the slide includes serrations along the front and rear of the slide to provide plenty of grip when manually cycling the action.

Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 Fit & Finish

Early-production M&P 5.7 examples have exhibited some growing pains, a very common occurrence with new designs when they first hit the market.  Frames were shown to be warped downwards around the accessory rail.  This, combined with the lightening cuts on the slide, was a cause for concern as this increased the chances of dust, dirt and stand getting into the action.
Fit and Finish

Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 Concealability

Measuring 8.5 inches long, 5.25 inches tall and 1.1 inches wide, the M&P 5.7 is rather difficult to conceal without the use of heavy or baggy clothing.  If you do carry one of these, be sure to wear an undershirt to keep the grip from directly contacting your skin as the trade-off for recoil control with the grip texturing is discomfort when against sensitive areas.

How much is a Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 worth?

In 2025 a new or used Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 and most semi-auto pistols. The Price for a Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2025 compared to 2024.

Estimated New and Used Values for a Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors.

Condition Trade-In Private Party Dealer
New In box $454.99 $594.99 $699.99
Excellent $419.99 $559.99 $629.99
Very Good $384.99 $559.99 $629.99
Good $350.00 $524.99 $594.99
Fair $245.00 $454.99 $559.99
Poor $175.00 $350.00 N/A

Gun Value Conditions explained:

New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box.

Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Fair - 30% - 80% condition, parts, and finish may or may not be original. Must function properly and shoot.

Poor - under 30% condition. Firearm has severe wear and tear, does not function, or is damaged.

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