
Rossi Circuit Judge

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The Rossi Circuit Judge is a fascinating and ingenious hybrid that’s part revolver, part shotgun. It’s got a 5-round cylinder chambered to handle both .45 Colt AND up to 3” Magnum .410 bore shot shells. The Circuit Judge has a single-action/double-action trigger so you can fire either for precision or speed. There are only two real options: stainless steel or polished black. Pick whichever you want, and that will be the look of the barrel, receiver, hammer, cylinder, trigger guard and trigger. That’s it. Everything else is standard to both models. Thus both have an 18.5” long barrel, a lovely Brazilian hardwood forend and stock, raised front and rear sights, strap loops, a thick black buttpad, etc. The front sight is fiber optic while the rear one is adjustable for both windage and elevation. The guns also come with an optional scope mount. The guns have a transfer bar safety. Drop the gun, and they won’t fire. They also have a built in Taurus Security System just behind the hammer. It’s essentially a little key you can put in to lock or unlock the gun. There is a nice visual indicator: the lock pin pops up to protrude when it’s locked and sinks back down when it’s unlocked.

Rossi Circuit Judge For Sale

Rossi Circuit Judge Specs

1 Brand

2 Category

Technical Data


.45 Colt (.45 Long Colt)








Stainless Steel

Gun Type



Fiber Optic

Barrel Length



85 oz

Rossi Circuit Judge Features

The Rossi Circuit Judge has a 5-round cylinder and is capable of firing .45 Long-Colt and .410 Shells.  It uses a trigger that can be fired from either single or double action, and has a hammer with a long tang for an easy pull.  Models are available with a blued finish or a polished stainless steel finish.

Rossi Circuit Judge Ballistics

.45 Colt (.45 Long Colt) Ballistic Data
Range (Yards) Drop (inches) Velocity Energy Wind drift (inches) Time (milliseconds)
0 0 0 0 0 0
50 0 0 0 0 0
100 0 0 0 0 0
150 0 0 0 0 0
200 0 0 0 0 0
250 0 0 0 0 0
300 0 0 0 0 0
350 0 0 0 0 0
400 0 0 0 0 0
450 0 0 0 0 0
500 0 0 0 0 0

Rossi Circuit Judge Capacity

Chambered for the .410 caliber shotgun shells AND for the .45 Long Colt cartridge, the Rossi Circuit Judge holds 5 rounds in its cylinder.  To load this rifle, press the cylinder release lever and push the cylinder to the left of the gun.  Load up to 5 rounds in the cylinder, and return the cylinder into the receiver.

Weighing just over 5 pounds with an overall length just under 36 inches, this rifle is very light and easy to carry.  Its lack of sharp edges prevent the gun from getting caught on thick vegetation.

Rossi Circuit Judge Mobility


Rossi Circuit Judge Ergonomics

The Rossi Circuit Judge is essentially a carbine version of a revolver.  The grip of its buttstock effectively mimics the feel of a more modern revolver while its cheek comb and handguard make the firearm feel like a rifle.  The fiber-optic sights along the barrel are easily used with a comfortable cheek weld on the stock.

Rossi Circuit Judge Fit & Finish

The Rossi Circuit Judge comes in stainless steel or in a polished blue finish.  The stock and forearm are made of black walnut and are sealed to copy the look and feel of WWII surplus rifles.  Though its fiber-optic sights and optics rail take away from the classic look, their placement is well thought out allowing for better ease of use.
Fit and Finish

How much is a Rossi Circuit Judge worth?

In 2025 a new or used Rossi Circuit Judge value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a Rossi Circuit Judge and most rifles. The Price for a Rossi Circuit Judge has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2025 compared to 2024.

Estimated New and Used Values for a Rossi Circuit Judge Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors.

Condition Trade-In Private Party Dealer
New In box $551.84 $721.64 $848.99
Excellent $509.39 $679.19 $764.09
Very Good $466.94 $679.19 $764.09
Good $424.50 $636.74 $721.64
Fair $297.15 $551.84 $679.19
Poor $212.25 $424.50 N/A

Gun Value Conditions explained:

New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box.

Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Fair - 30% - 80% condition, parts, and finish may or may not be original. Must function properly and shoot.

Poor - under 30% condition. Firearm has severe wear and tear, does not function, or is damaged.

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