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FG-42 Specs

1 Brand

2 Category

Technical Data


8x57mm Mauser JS







Rear Sight

Adjustable, Optic Ready



Gun Type


Barrel Length





176 ounces

FG-42 Features

The Rheinmetall FG 42 (Fallschirmjager Gewehr, En. Paratrooper Rifle) is a select-fire, side-loading rifle used by the Wehrmacht in WWII and was intended to bridge the gap between the Kar98k and MG42.  This rifle is gas operated and runs on a long-stroke gas piston and 2-lug rotating bolt action.  In semi-auto, the FG42 fires from a closed bolt for better accuracy and in full-auto it fires from the open bolt to reduce barrel overheating.

FG-42 Ballistics

8x57mm Mauser JS Ballistic Data
Range (Yards) Drop (inches) Velocity Energy Wind drift (inches) Time (milliseconds)
0 0 0 0 0 0
50 0 0 0 0 0
100 0 0 0 0 0
150 0 0 0 0 0
200 0 0 0 0 0
250 0 0 0 0 0
300 0 0 0 0 0
350 0 0 0 0 0
400 0 0 0 0 0
450 0 0 0 0 0
500 0 0 0 0 0

FG-42 Capacity

The FG42 is chambered in 7.92x57mm (8mm Mauser) and feeds from a 20 round detachable box magazine that is inserted into the rifle from the left side.  This magazine placement allowed the designers to shorten the overall length while allowing the operator to easily change magazines from the prone position.
The FG42 weighs just over 11 pounds and has an overall length of 37.2 inches.  While its weight exceeds all other German infantry rifles, its length more than compensates.  The FG42 was designed to fill the roles of the Kar98 and MG42 for German paratroopers and this rifle allowed for full-auto fire in a much lighter package than the 26-pound MG42.  

FG-42 Mobility


FG-42 Ergonomics

The FG42 has a reciprocating charging handle located on the right side of the gun and a folding bipod bolted onto the front sight block.  Two different pistol grip patterns were produced and include the more common angled grip that offers a lower profile, or the more traditionally patterned pistol grip that is reminiscent of modern sporting rifles.  The FG42 has an in-line stock that keeps the bore axis in line with the user’s shoulder.

FG-42 Fit & Finish

The FG42 was made under two patterns, the first having a milled receiver and a wood stock while the later pattern rifles were made with a stamped receiver and metal stock.  The FG42 can be found today in museums and private collections, and everything from replacement parts to extra magazines can all cost thousands of dollars each.

Fit and Finish

How much is a FG-42 worth?

In 2025 a new or used FG-42 value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a FG-42 and most handguns. The Price for a FG-42 has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2025 compared to 2024.

Estimated New and Used Values for a FG-42 Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors.

Condition Trade-In Private Party Dealer
New In box $130,000.00 $170,000.00 $200,000.00
Excellent $120,000.00 $160,000.00 $180,000.00
Very Good $110,000.00 $160,000.00 $180,000.00
Good $100,000.00 $150,000.00 $170,000.00
Fair $70,000.00 $130,000.00 $160,000.00
Poor $50,000.00 $100,000.00 N/A

Gun Value Conditions explained:

New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box.

Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Fair - 30% - 80% condition, parts, and finish may or may not be original. Must function properly and shoot.

Poor - under 30% condition. Firearm has severe wear and tear, does not function, or is damaged.

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