
Emperor Arms Duke

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Emperor Arms Duke

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The Duke is a pump-action shotgun, designed to be affordable and reliable. It comes in the usual cardboard box with a window cut out for you to see your new toy. A few accessories are included: one 5 round magazine, a barrel wrench (for changing chokes), some lube and assembly instructions. The safety is well placed on the Duke; it is large enough to be easy to operate (even with heavy gloves), but still small enough not to be accidentally activated. Weapon manipulation (such as racking or loading) can be handled easily by left-handed shooters, unlike many other shotguns. It's no secret that pump guns are generally more ergonomic than self-loaders; this one has a good point over others in that regard. The pump itself feels pretty solid when you rack it back, although there is some wobble when fully extended. The magazine release is a separate block from the trigger guard, to prevent accidental drop of the mag during operation. The construction of this pump-action shotgun appears very solid and there are no shakes or rattles while operating it. The front of the barrel threads are covered with thread protector cap, so you won't be able to attach muzzle attachments without removing this first. The furniture is made from polymer and comes in black color. The stock has an adjustable length of pull, but due to the cheap rubber/plastic buttpad it feels very cheap. This also doesn't help with recoil management, because it simply moves further away from your shoulder instead of absorbing some of the energy. Magazines loaded really easily thanks to its extended follower; there were no problems during loading (which is good for a shotgun). It's not as smooth as any self-loader (e.g.: KSG), but then again those shotguns cost several times more than Duke here (~$185 vs. $500). The bolt release is located above the trigger and is easy to operate, you can drop the bolt by simply pulling it back and releasing; no fiddling around here. There were no failures during shooting even firing hundreds of shells using different brands and types of loads (buckshot, birdshot use). The magazine tube holds 5 rounds, but if you have an extension piece you can add an extra one in there for a total capacity of 6+1 shells. The rest of the shotshells could be stored in the buttstock compartment. There were no malfunctions when fired from there either, but it looks just awkward especially when the shooter takes a ready position holding a shotgun in both hands with stock extended in front. On the other side if the stock was shorter it would be more difficult to load the shells into the tube mag. There is a protective heat shield on that polymer furniture. It appears to be very solid and covers pretty much all of the forend. Even putting the hot barrel completely inside, there wasn't any damage to hands or gloves after firing a few hundred rounds. Pump-action shotguns tend to kick pretty hard because of their heavyweight moving around during every shot; the stock doesn't seem like offering enough features for recoil management (cheap rubber buttpad) and I wouldn't recommend this shotgun for weak shooters due to that reason. On other hand Duke shotguns are offered in youth models for ~$200 which come with a shortened stock and 14" barrel (you can use buckshot with those), if you're purchasing a shotgun for smaller shooters I'd recommend considering one of those. As far as budget shotguns go, this is definitely worth looking at especially for beginners or people who are interested in trying out firearms but don't want to spend much money on it. It's inexpensive yet reliable and offers all the necessary features to use it safely and properly (ghost ring sights, 5+1 capacity). The only problem with Duke was that recoil management isn't great because of the rubber buttpad which doesn't seem like helpful enough. The good thing about this pump-action shotgun is that there are various options available to choose from: different barrel lengths, stocks, furniture colors etc.

Emperor Arms Duke For Sale

Emperor Arms Duke Specs

2 Category

Technical Data





Barrel Length



4 1

Emperor Arms Duke Features

The Emperor Arms Duke is a pump-action shotgun that identifies both as royalty and “not a shotgun”.  This is due to its overall length being over 26 inches long, a lack of a stock and a smooth bore.  This makes the Duke accessible to the masses as its status as an NFA item is avoided.  The 14.5 inch barrel is cut with an improved cylinder bore and the magazine has a spike on the front for reasons.

Emperor Arms Duke Capacity

The Duke has a barrel cut with a 2-¾ inch 12 gauge chamber and feeds from a fixed magazine tube that holds up to 4 rounds.  Shells are loaded directly into the magazine tube through the loading port in the bottom of the receiver.  This shotgun can also cycle the 1-⅞ inch shells with the use of a spacer to prevent misfeeds.

Measuring close to 26 inches with an unloaded weight of 7 pounds, the Duke offers excellent maneuvering through tight spaces while offering enough heft to add some controllability in the recoil department.  Good luck aiming, though, because this is absolutely a point-shoot type of weapon, and remember that your shot pattern is only going to open to about 5 inches in the short distance you would find in a house.

Emperor Arms Duke Mobility


Emperor Arms Duke Ergonomics

As far as controls go, the Duke has the same layout as a Remington 870.  The birds head grip offers plenty of surface area to hold on for dear life, and the front grip has contours that closely match a Mossberg 500 Bantam.  A heat guard extends from the receiver up to the takedown screw to prevent you from burning your hand when the barrel heats up.

Emperor Arms Duke Fit & Finish

The Duke is available in a lot of different setups and can be found with either wood or composite furniture.  The finishes include a blued finish or a titanium colored finish.  These guns are imported from Turkey where surface finish is of little consequence, but for the price of these guns, the function is rather impressive.
Fit and Finish

How much is a Emperor Arms Duke worth?

In 2025 a new or used Emperor Arms Duke value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a Emperor Arms Duke and most shotguns. The Price for a Emperor Arms Duke has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2025 compared to 2024.

Estimated New and Used Values for a Emperor Arms Duke Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors.

Condition Trade-In Private Party Dealer
New In box $119.11 $155.75 $183.24
Excellent $109.94 $146.59 $164.92
Very Good $100.78 $146.59 $164.92
Good $91.62 $137.43 $155.75
Fair $64.13 $119.11 $146.59
Poor $45.81 $91.62 N/A

Gun Value Conditions explained:

New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box.

Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Fair - 30% - 80% condition, parts, and finish may or may not be original. Must function properly and shoot.

Poor - under 30% condition. Firearm has severe wear and tear, does not function, or is damaged.

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