
Barrett M107A1

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Barrett M107A1 Semi Auto Rifle .50 BMG 29" Fluted Barrel 10 Rounds Suppressor Ready Muzzle Brake 18" Integrated Rail with 27 MOA Elevation Black Cerakote Receiver 14085With 35 years of research and development with exclusive feedback from the most demanding end users, the US Military, Barrett continues to raise with bar with their iconic .50 BMG rifle system. The M107A1 does share the same iconic look as the 82A1 that really is where the similarities end. State of the art design, manufacturing process and materials permeate every component of this rifle. An emphasis was placed on making it lighter and stronger than its predecessors. An almost 4lb weight reduction along with being optimized for use with a sound suppressor provided the modern war fighter a huge battlefield advantage. Lighter, stronger and more accurate means that the Barrett M107A1 is truly engineered for action!Specifications and Features:Barrett M107A1 Semi Auto Rifle MPN: 14085UPC: 816715012432 Recoil Operated Semi-Automatic Rifle.50 BMG (.50 Browning Machine Gun)29" Fluted Barrel1:15" Twist Rate10 RoundsDetachable Box MagazineSuppressor Ready Muzzle BrakeLightweight Quick-Detach Titanium BipodAccepts Side Mounted Accessory RailThermal Cheek GuardModular Hand Grip Mount on M1913 RailRemovable Monopod18" Integrated Rail with 27 MOA Elevation Bias Built inOverall Assembled Length 57"Overall Weight 28.7lbsBlack Cerakote Receiver

Barrett M107A1 For Sale

Barrett M107A1 Specs

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Technical Data


494.4 oz



Gun Type


Barrel Length




Barrett M107A1 Features

The Barrett M107A1 is a semi-automatic rifle chambered in the heavy-hitting .50BMG and has a standard magazine capacity of 10 rounds.  It has a 29 inch barrel and its muzzle can be fitted with the classic triangular brake or it can have a suppressor-ready brake.  The receiver includes a full-length optics rail and a built-in bipod and typically includes a carry handle.

Barrett M107A1 Capacity

The Barrett M107A1 ships with a 10 round double-stack detachable box magazine.  Barrett also offers a smaller 5 round magazine.

The Barrett M107A1 measures 57 inches long with a weight of 31 pounds unloaded and without a scope or other attachments.  Carrying this rifle for any considerable amount of time can lead to serious fatigue and firing from the shoulder is incredibly optimistic.

Barrett M107A1 Mobility


Barrett M107A1 Ergonomics

The M107 A1 has a trigger, grip and safety setup that is nearly identical to the AR15 while its magazine and charging handle are operated more akin to the AKM.  Some models offer an adjustable monopod by its buttstock to allow for a more steady and accurate shot.

Barrett M107A1 Fit & Finish

The Barrett M107A1 is available in a handful of colors including the classic black color or with a green, gray, or tan cerakote.  This gun should come with a bottle of advil or something because the concussion from the muzzle blast is jarring.
Fit and Finish

Barrett M107A1 Parts & Upgrades

How much is a Barrett M107A1 worth?

In 2025 a new or used Barrett M107A1 value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a Barrett M107A1 and most rifles. The Price for a Barrett M107A1 has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2025 compared to 2024.

Estimated New and Used Values for a Barrett M107A1 Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors.

Condition Trade-In Private Party Dealer
New In box $8,328.44 $10,891.04 $12,812.99
Excellent $7,687.79 $10,250.39 $11,531.69
Very Good $7,047.14 $10,250.39 $11,531.69
Good $6,406.50 $9,609.74 $10,891.04
Fair $4,484.55 $8,328.44 $10,250.39
Poor $3,203.25 $6,406.50 N/A

Gun Value Conditions explained:

New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box.

Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Fair - 30% - 80% condition, parts, and finish may or may not be original. Must function properly and shoot.

Poor - under 30% condition. Firearm has severe wear and tear, does not function, or is damaged.

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