
American Tactical FXH45

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American Tactical FXH45 Gun Stats

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Caliber: .45 ACP Height: 5.4" Length: 8.7" Weight: 27.5 oz Empty w/ no Magazine Magazine Capacity: 8 Frame Material: Polymer w/ 2 7075-T6 Aluminum Inserts Frame Finish: MilSpec Hard Coat Anodize on Inserts Frame Color: Flat Dark Earth Slide Material: 416 Stainless Steel Slide Finish: QPQ Black Nitride Slide Color: Black Sights: Accepts Glock Front and Rear Sights and Aftermarket Night Sights Grips: Black Polymer Barrel: 5" 416 Stainless Steel Match Grade Trigger: Overtravel Adjustable, Skeletonized Alloy, Silver Color We are proud to announce the development of the all new FXH-45! This is a Hybrid 1911 that has a polymer frame with 2 metal inserts for added stability and durability. Made in similar fashion to our other hybrids, this unique Patented firearm has a steel match grade barrel and a custom designed steel slide. The frame was built to have an ergonomic feel with built in finger grooves. The FXH-45 accepts Glock front and rear sights, including aftermarket night sights as well. This new breed of 1911 is compatible with most standard 1911 parts and grips. - Caliber: .45 ACP - Height: 5.4" - Length: 8.7" - Weight: 27.5 oz Empty w/ no Magazine - Magazine Capacity: 8 - Frame Material: Polymer w/ 2 7075-T6 Aluminum Inserts - Frame Finish: MilSpec Hard Coat Anodize on Inserts - Frame Color: Flat Dark Earth - Slide Material: 416 Stainless Steel - Slide Finish: QPQ Black Nitride - Slide Color: Black - Sights: Accepts Glock Front and Rear Sights and Aftermarket Night Sights - Grips: Black Polymer - Barrel: 5" 416 Stainless Steel Match Grade - Trigger: Overtravel Adjustable, Skeletonized Alloy, Silver Color

American Tactical FXH45 For Sale

American Tactical FXH45 Specs

2 Category

Technical Data


Black Slide



Gun Type




Barrel Length



27.5 oz


1.3 Inches


5.5 Inches



American Tactical FXH45 Features

The American Tactical FXH45 is a semi-automatic 1911 pattern pistol chambered in 45 ACP.  This gun has a full-size 5-inch barrel in a steel slide topped with a fiber-optic front sight and a windage-adjustable rear sight.  This single-action pistol has a steel trigger housing and frame rail chassis while the remainder of the frame is made of high-strength polymer.

American Tactical FXH45 Capacity

The American Tactical FXH45 is chambered in the heavy-hitting .45ACP and feeds from all standard .45 caliber M1911 magazines.  This allows capacities of 7 or 8 rounds in flush-fit magazines depending on the manufacturer, and can also be fed with magazines up to 10 rounds.  Its ejector design requires the use of a magazine spacer sleeve if you use mags that aren’t flush-fit.

American Tactical FXH45 Ergonomics

The FXH45 has an ambidextrous thumb safety and incredibly deep and effective rear slide serrations.  Its polymer grip panels feature a heavy checkering and can be replaced with any aftermarket 1911 grips.  Its trigger guard is enlarged to allow the use of thick gloves while shooting, and the front of the grip has finger grooves to give you added control.  

American Tactical FXH45 Fit & Finish

The FXH45 has polymer grip modules available in black, desert tan and olive green.  Its trigger is absolutely decent for the price of the gun, and its trigger housing / slide rails are properly fitted for reliable operation.  The slide is available with a matte-black finish and is optics-ready, able to accept any dot optic with the right adapter plate.
Fit and Finish

American Tactical FXH45 Concealability

The FXH45 is identical in overall size to a standard 1911 measuring 7.9 inches long and nearly 6 inches tall.  Its exposed hammer and its beavertail protruding off of the back of the grip safety can cause discomfort when carried in certain positions, though this pistol’s saving grace is its light weight of only 28 ounces when unloaded.  Nonetheless, this pistol is most easily concealed in a shoulder holster or open-carried on the hip.

How much is a American Tactical FXH45 worth?

In 2025 a new or used American Tactical FXH45 value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a American Tactical FXH45 and most handguns. The Price for a American Tactical FXH45 has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2025 compared to 2024.

Estimated New and Used Values for a American Tactical FXH45 Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors.

Condition Trade-In Private Party Dealer
New In box $216.44 $283.04 $332.99
Excellent $199.79 $266.39 $299.69
Very Good $183.14 $266.39 $299.69
Good $166.50 $249.74 $283.04
Fair $116.55 $216.44 $266.39
Poor $83.25 $166.50 N/A

Gun Value Conditions explained:

New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box.

Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Fair - 30% - 80% condition, parts, and finish may or may not be original. Must function properly and shoot.

Poor - under 30% condition. Firearm has severe wear and tear, does not function, or is damaged.

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