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ANSCHUTZ 1517 D HEAVY BARREL 52214005 17HMR Gun Stats

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Luxus repeater of the series 1517 Technical Data Trigger: Single Stage Trigger Weight appr.:2.9 KG (6LB 29 OZ) 2.9 kg Stock: Walnut Barrel length:58.4 CM (23") 58.4 cm Total length:83CM (32.67") 83.0 cm ANSCHÜTZ Models 1517 in cal. .17 HMR.: The caliber .17 HMR (Hornady Magnum Rimfire) with a bullet diameter of 4.5 mm has been the most innovative ammunition development in the USA in the past few years. At the Shot Show 2002 in Las Vegas, USA, ANSCHÜTZ presented a trend-setting rifle for this caliber as one of the first manufacturers worldwide. The renowned ANSCHÜTZ accuracy and quality is now also available for the new model 1517 for the world`s fastest rim fire cartrigde. Depending on the referring version the rifle is equipped with a Match 64 cylinder action and a single or two stage trigger adjusted to 1100 g thus offering an optimum of reliability. The stock is a walnut stock in Classic or Monte Carlo version. A beavertail stock with rail is available on demand. Depending on the model the rifle is offered without sights, with a folding rear sight or a grooved, 11 mm rail drilled and tapped to accept a telescopic sight or a rear sight. Fans of the caliber .17 HMR may be happy about a further top quality ANSCHÜTZ product. At this model of the series Match 64 modifications were carried out in the area of the receiver. The external diameter was enlarged from 25 mm to 26 mm. This modification entails some advantages. The weight of the receiver was increased by 12 % which makes the barreled action more rigid. In addition the locking surface is enlarged by 15 % which leads to even more safety for the shooter when firing the shot. The new shape of the receiver will be continued in the firing pin nut which makes the system more elegant. In addition the old engraving on the upper side of the prism has been replaced by the more attractive „Wave-Style“. Classic stock: Classic straight hunting stock of colored and lacquered walnut wood without cheek piece, checkering at pistol grip and fore-end, black butt plate and studs for sling swivel. Beavertail stock: The Beavertail stock has nothing in common with the classic, European hunting stock. It resulted from the demands of North American hunters and combines the advantages of a classic target stock with the wide beavertail fore-end stock. With a rail in the fore-end stock this type of stock finds more and more fans.

ANSCHUTZ 1517 D HEAVY BARREL 52214005 17HMR For Sale

ANSCHUTZ 1517 D HEAVY BARREL 52214005 17HMR Specs

1 Brand

2 Category

Technical Data


.17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire (HMR)


Bolt Action

Barrel Length


ANSCHUTZ 1517 D HEAVY BARREL 52214005 17HMR Ballistics

.17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire (HMR) Ballistic Data
Range (Yards) Drop (inches) Velocity Energy Wind drift (inches) Time (milliseconds)
0 -0 2483 246 0 0
50 -0.7756 2154 185 0 65
100 -3.4344 1857 138 0 140
150 -8.6145 1594 102 0 227
200 -17.3582 1368 75 0 329
250 -30.7431 1188 56 0 447
300 -50.1855 1070 46 0 580
350 -76.528 988 39 0 726
400 -111.6572 924 34 0 884
450 -155.2403 869 30 0 1051
500 -208.387 820 27 0 1229

ANSCHUTZ 1517 D HEAVY BARREL 52214005 17HMR Parts & Upgrades

How much is a ANSCHUTZ 1517 D HEAVY BARREL 52214005 17HMR worth?

In 2025 a new or used ANSCHUTZ 1517 D HEAVY BARREL 52214005 17HMR value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a ANSCHUTZ 1517 D HEAVY BARREL 52214005 17HMR and most rifles. The Price for a ANSCHUTZ 1517 D HEAVY BARREL 52214005 17HMR has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2025 compared to 2024.

Estimated New and Used Values for a ANSCHUTZ 1517 D HEAVY BARREL 52214005 17HMR Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors.

Condition Trade-In Private Party Dealer
New In box $408.95 $534.78 $629.15
Excellent $377.49 $503.32 $566.24
Very Good $346.03 $503.32 $566.24
Good $314.58 $471.86 $534.78
Fair $220.20 $408.95 $503.32
Poor $157.29 $314.58 N/A

Gun Value Conditions explained:

New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box.

Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original).

Fair - 30% - 80% condition, parts, and finish may or may not be original. Must function properly and shoot.

Poor - under 30% condition. Firearm has severe wear and tear, does not function, or is damaged.

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